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时间:2023-06-22 22:22:34    来源:大咖看教育










英文版:Fun fact: In the northern regions of Jiangsu Province, why do they wrap five-colored strings during the Dragon Boat Festival?

Traditional Chinese festival Dragon Boat Festival, besides eating zongzi and rowing dragon boats, there is another custom in the northern region of Jiangsu Province, which is tying five-colored strings on the arms of children at home. How did this custom come about? And what does it symbolize?

Explanation One: The Story of the Cowherd and Weaver Girl

Legend has it that the fairy Weaver Girl secretly descended to the mortal world and married the Cowherd. The Cowherd and Weaver Girl had already given birth to children in the mortal world, which angered the Queen Mother of Heaven. As a result, heavenly soldiers and generals were dispatched to capture the Weaver Girl.

The Weaver Girl left behind many colorful threads, which possessed magical power and prevented the heavenly soldiers and generals from approaching. Therefore, the Cowherd made these threads into five-colored strings and tied them on the arms of their children to prevent the heavenly soldiers and generals from taking the children away.

It so happened that it was Dragon Boat Festival when the five-colored strings on the children"s arms were seen by everyone. People imitated it and thus the custom of tying five-colored strings during Dragon Boat Festival came into being.

Explanation Two: Expelling Insects and Warding off Evil Spirits

Dragon Boat Festival falls in midsummer when mosquitoes, insects, snakes, and ants are particularly abundant, posing a threat to children. It is said that ancient people discovered that hand strings woven with colored ropes have the effect of driving away and intimidating these mosquitoes, insects, snakes, and ants. It can prevent children from being bitten by mosquitoes and ants, and the snakes dare not come near. Therefore, as the custom spread from one person to another, people started to tie five-colored strings during Dragon Boat Festival.

Explanation Three: The Five Elements in Taoism

The five-colored strings during Dragon Boat Festival are very particular and are divided into five colors: green, white, red, black, and yellow. They respectively represent the five elements in Taoism: wood, metal, fire, water, and earth. They also embody the powers of the five directions: east, south, west, north, and center. Wearing the five-colored strings can ward off evil spirits, expel demons, cure diseases, and strengthen the body, symbolizing people"s good wishes.

During Dragon Boat Festival, I wish all the fans a healthy and peaceful festival!


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